We. Read. Together.

We nurture a love for reading through relationships.



School and After School Sites







A Big Vision for Arkansas

AR Kids Read has a singular focus – to work towards a time when EVERY child reads on grade level. Currently, 65% of AR students have fallen behind, and we recruit, train and mobilize programs to help kids catch up.  With the power of community members, we can change the game for students and stack their deck for their success and the long-term health of our community. Please continue to explore our website to see more about our programs and find ways you can make an impact.


Community Volunteers

Community volunteers share an hour a week to create safe spaces where students can practice literacy skills taught in the classroom.

Collegiate Program

Teacher candidates from local college and university programs bring their education training and insights to provide high-dosage literacy services to students.

Summer Literacy Playground

Certified teachers and interns lead an engaging, dynamic, and camp-themed literacy program designed to reduce summer slide.

Community Volunteers

Community volunteers share an hour a week to create safe spaces where students can practice literacy skills taught in the classroom.

Collegiate Program

Teacher candidates from local college and university programs bring their education training and insights to provide high-dosage literacy services to students.

Summer Literacy Playground

Certified teachers and interns lead an engaging, dynamic, and camp-themed literacy program designed to reduce summer slide.